Schlagwort: ESRI
Bachelor Thesis
Within the department of geography different bachelor thesis topics were available spanning from the field of economic geography over the fields of social geography and landscape ecology to geoinformatics and geomorphology. As I am personally deeply interested in the genesis of the landscape and the shaping processes, I decided on a topic within the field…
I3 Project
The course ‚I3 Project‘, short for interdisciplinary, integrated, interactive project was a late master’s seminar course that prepares students for their master’s thesis by helping to develop, test, and validate their competencies in a first large scientific project. Students were challenged with a major project to be completed through all its stages. From problem analysis,…
Spatial Data Infrastructure: Services Implementation
The Internet and the latest Information and Communication Technologies revolutionized the way in which users interact with the GI resources, providing the foundation for developing what is known today as Online GIS or Web GIS. This new GIS paradigm exposes GI content and tools over the web, contributing to the GIS democratization. In this context,…